All written and video content provided in this course is subject to copyright laws. Any misuse, unauthorized distribution, sharing of the course materials will be persecuted to the highest extent of the law. 

Micro Beauty Bar LLC courses (“Course” or “Courses”) provide training and information in connection with aesthetic procedures (“Procedures”) to a wide range of individuals who utilize the Courses (“Student” or “Students”).  Students include, but are not limited to, physicians, nurses, estheticians, medical aestheticians, body workers, cosmetologists, healthcare practitioners and tattoo artists.  The Courses are open to the general public.  Micro Beauty Bar does not pre-screen Students as to any particular Student’s background, expertise and licensing.  The Procedures may be used by a wide range of providers depending upon the providers’ licensing and level of expertise.  Micro Beauty Bar makes clear to the Students, and the Students understand that the Courses do not provide advice as to what Procedures Students may lawfully engage in performing.  Micro Beauty Bar makes no representations nor advises its Students as to the licensing, if any, that is required to engage in the performance of the Procedures.

Therefore, and based upon the foregoing, Students must research and acquaint themselves with the laws applicable to the legality of the Students’ performance of the Procedures.  It is up to each Student to make sure that before any Procedure is performed by that Student, the Student is compliant with all state and federal laws, rules and regulations including but not limited to FDA regulations that govern that Student’s legal ability to perform a Procedure.

Micro Beauty Bar makes no representations and/or warranties in connections with the Courses.  The Courses are not a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.  Reliance on the information in the Courses for procedural purposes is to be used at your own risk. If you have questions or concerns, contact a medical professional prior to treatment. Micro Beauty Bar is not responsible nor liable for risks involved with this procedure.  Students assume the risk of and liability for any procedures performed by them.

Micro Beauty Bar is not responsible or liable for legal encounters regarding licensing, regulations, or other legal aspects pertaining to procedural operation.